Montessori Preschool Educational Resources For Home

Helping families create a solid connection between Montessori learning in the classroom and at home.

Sandpaper Numbers

The Sandpaper Numbers are a foundational Montessori mathematics material that introduce children to the numerals 0 to 9. The direct purpose of the Sandpaper Numbers is to teach children the symbols that represent the quantity of each number. Create your own Sandpaper Number experience at home.

Pink Tower

Create your own 2D version of the Montessori Pink Tower to introduce your child to size gradation. The Pink Tower also indirectly acquaints children with the concept of base ten and the decimal system in mathematics.

Red Rods

The Red Rods are a Montessori material from the sensorial curriculum area. They are designed to isolate the visual discrimination of length. Create your own 2D version of the Red Rods to assist your child in developing their ability to discriminate between lengths.

Russian Nesting Dolls

Russian Matryoshka Nesting Dolls are very popular with our toddlers and preschoolers at Montessori Academy. Not only are they a beautiful part of Russian culture, they are also an incredibly useful teaching tool for exploring visual discrimination, the concepts of order and symmetry, differentiation of size, and developing fine motor skills.

Scooping and Straining

Scooping and straining activities are a great way for children aged 12 months and up to develop their fine motor skills and coordination. This is a fantastic activity that you can create at home using two bowls, some water, a strainer, and some sea shells. Remember to present from left to right to prepare your child for writing and reading.

Numbers and Counters

Print and create your own Numbers and Counters to reinforce your child’s understanding of numbers and their corresponding quantities.

Imbucare Box

Create your own Imbucare Box using found objects to explore the concept of object permanence with your toddler. Extend on the activity by adding counting and sorting.

Counting Grid

Use the supplied counting grid to assist your child with identifying and quantifying numerals. This is also a great activity to practice counting!

Hand Transfer

Whole hand transfer is a great activity for children aged 18 months – 3 years to develop their fine motor skills and coordination. All you need is an old tea caddy and pom poms.

Tong Transfer

Tong transfer activities are a wonderful way to develop fine motor skills, coordination, and concentration. Transfer activities can be introduced to children from the time they are capable of self-feeding. However, transfer activities are also enjoyed by toddler and preschool aged children.

Scooping, Pouring and Spooning

Create your own scooping, spooning and pouring activities at home by using found objects in your kitchen drawers.

Flower Arranging

Flower arranging is a fantastic activity that assists children in developing their ability to discriminate visually and exercise judgement over size and capacity. All you need to complete this activity at home is a selection of vases and fresh or artificial flowers cut at different lengths.

Trinomial Puzzle

Create your own 2D Trinomial Puzzle to practice creating one level of the Trinomial Cube.

Sample Preschool Lesson Plan

Creating a weekly lesson plan provides structure for learning experiences. Take a look at our tips for lesson planning for preschoolers.

Setting up a Montessori Preschool Shelf

To set up a simple Montessori preschool shelf at home, all you need are a few baskets or containers, the supplied resources, and some objects from around the house.