Counting Grid
Use the supplied counting grid to assist your child with identifying and quantifying numerals. This activity encourages children to develop an understanding of one-to-one correspondence. You can create your own counting grid using a marker and paper or by gluing bottle caps to a piece of cardboard. For younger children start with a counting grid of five and progress to ten. Feel free to get creative using found objects at home!
Home Lesson One
- Print and laminate the supplied counting grid printable
- Source 15 similar objects such as pebbles, buttons, pom poms, or beads and place them in a bowl or container to your left if you are using the counting grid of five
- Source 55 similar objects and place them in a bowl or container to your left if you are using the counting grid of ten
- Take one object from the bowl on your left and count “one”
- Repeat for “two” and “three”
- Invite your child to take a turn
- For younger children begin with the counting grid of five and then progress to the counting grid of ten
Supplied Printables
- Counting Grid
Curriculum Area
- Mathematics
Age Group
- 2 – 6 years
- Identifying the numerals one through ten
- Quantifying the numerals one through ten
- Develop an understanding of one-to-one correspondence
- Develop an understanding of sequencing numbers
- Fine motor skills