Category Archives: Educational Program and Practice

Material Spotlight: Sound Boxes

At the heart of Montessori education lies a deep understanding of the importance of sensory

Fun Language Learning Activities For Children

In the spirit of Harmony Week, a time when we celebrate the rich tapestry of

Creative Recycling Projects for Preschoolers

As the leaves turn and Clean Up Australia Day beckons us to reflect on our

What is Sensory Play and Why is it Important

Introduction: Awakening the Senses In a world filled with screens and gadgets, it’s easy for

How to Teach Pre-schoolers About Money

Introduction In the modern world, having financial literacy is a crucial skill for children to

Why Language is Important in Learning Mathematics

The connection between language and mathematics runs deep, even if it’s not immediately apparent. While

The Power of Concentration in Early Education & Beyond

Introduction In a fast-paced world filled with stimuli, the ability to concentrate is becoming increasingly

July 2023 Changes to the Child Care Subsidy (CCS)

From 10 July 2023, the Australian Government will be increasing Child Care Subsidy (CCS) rates

NSW’s Start Strong Affordable Preschool fee relief program

The Start Strong program provides fee relief to families with children in preschool.

How Does Early Education Support Children’s Development

Your children deserve quality education right from the formative years of their life. High-quality early