The greatest gifts we can give our children are the roots of responsibility and the wings of independence..

Doctor Maria Montessori

Montessori Academy Reviews – Parent Feedback

Families typically choose Montessori Education because it aligns with their parenting style, views about early childhood education, and aspirations for their child. Parents with a ‘Montessori Mindset’ see that children are immensely capable, and equally value the importance of children’s wellbeing and academics.

Why Families Choose Montessori

Choosing the right early education provider begins with finding the people, place, and program that makes you feel like your family belong.

Families that choose Montessori Academy value the importance of early childhood education and want their child to have the best start to life. This is a given.

Dig deeper, and you will find what we call a ‘Montessori Mindset,’ which is a set of core beliefs and values that shape how you parent, your aspirations for your child, and how you feel about the role education plays in life.

If you agree with the points below, you know you’re in great company. We look forward to welcoming you to the Montessori Academy Community!

Why Families Choose Us

  • Personalised Curriculum
  • Encourages independence
  • Holistic approach to learning and development
  • Develops problem solving skills
  • Encourages social skills and collaboration
  • Addresses all learning styles
  • Promotes a life-long love of learning

Parent Reviews