Montessori Childcare Orientation Sessions

Orientation Sessions

Orientation sessions provide children and their families with the opportunity to gradually transition to the Montessori environment. Children will participate in the Montessori work cycle and outdoor play so that they become familiar with their new routine, educators, friends, the Montessori materials, and the layout of the centre.

What to Expect at Orientation

Attending an orientation session is an important part of making a successful transition to a Montessori Academy childcare centre.

Orientations provide families with an opportunity to support their child during their initial introduction to the Montessori environment.

Sessions typically run for 1-2 hours and provide new children with an introduction to the centre’s facilities, the daily routine, the Montessori learning environment, their classmates, and their educators.

The purpose of the orientation session is to help children transition to their new learning environment and support their sense of belonging as they are welcomed into a new Montessori learning community.

Families stay with their children during the orientation session. You will receive your Parent Handbook, access cards, a checklist of what to bring on your child’s first day, the centre’s direct phone number, and information about how to sign your child in and out. 

At the end of your orientation session, we’ll ask you to complete a survey. Please take a moment to tell us how we’ve done. We’re always looking for ways to improve and better serve the needs of our families.

Benefits of Attending an Orientation Session

  • Familiarise your child with the centre’s facilities, their locker, and where to store their personal belongings
  • Begin fostering friendships and social interactions with their peers
  • Introduce children to their educators
  • Allow your child to explore the prepared environment
  • Introduce the Montessori materials and how they work
  • Familiarise your child with the daily routine so they know what to expect