Learning & Development

Exploring Sensorial Education In Montessori

By Montessori Academy20/05/15

On Wednesday 20th May Montessori Academy hosted a Montessori training session focused on Sensorial Education at the North Parramatta campus.

Munira Ali, who is also the Montessori Teacher at North Parramatta, facilitated the workshop.

In the first part of the training session Munira explored the importance of the senses to the development of the child, stating that the senses are the ‘breathing pores of the mind,’ and a powerful tool of exploration.

“Through Sensorial Education children learn to visually differentiate size, width and colour. It also provides children with a rich vocabulary that allows them to classify their sensory experiences and observations,” said Munira.

To explore how Sensorial Education works, Munira called on a member of the audience to act out the role of the child, and presented the pink tower, brown stairs, red rods and the colour box.

The focus of Munira’s presentation was based on the correct presentation of the Montessori materials, the role of the educator, and the learning extensions and games that can be played with children at different stages of sensory development.

Education and Training Manager, Kellie Chahroura, said: “The aims of Sensorial Education are quite diverse, and range from developing and refining the senses, through to preparation for mathematics and writing.

“Through repetition and self-criticism children learn to describe their sensory experiences, exercise their muscles, and explore the foundations of language and numeracy,” she said.

Montessori Academy’s Sensorial Curriculum is focused on the development of seven key sensory areas, including: visual, later visual, tactile, stereo-gnostic, auditory, gustatory and the olfactory senses.

The development of these sensory areas directly relates to the EYLF, by helping children to achieve objectives related to: sense of self, communication, cognitive ability, physical ability, creativity, and literacy and numeracy development.