Category Archives: Learning and Development

Material Spotlight: Sound Boxes

At the heart of Montessori education lies a deep understanding of the importance of sensory

Fun Language Learning Activities For Children

In the spirit of Harmony Week, a time when we celebrate the rich tapestry of

Healthy Easter Treats

Easter is a time of joy and celebration, especially for families with young children. It’s

Creative Recycling Projects for Preschoolers

As the leaves turn and Clean Up Australia Day beckons us to reflect on our

Show and Tell The Benefits of Public Speaking

Introduction: Unleashing the Power of Public Speaking Public speaking may sound intimidating for many adults

How to Teach Pre-schoolers About Money

Introduction In the modern world, having financial literacy is a crucial skill for children to

The Power of Concentration in Early Education & Beyond

Introduction In a fast-paced world filled with stimuli, the ability to concentrate is becoming increasingly

How to Teach Children About Stranger Danger and Safe Strangers

Introduction As parents and educators, ensuring our children’s safety and well-being is paramount. Teaching them

Why is Positive Risk-taking Important for Children

Preparing children for the future requires more than academic knowledge in today’s fast-paced world. Parents

How to Be a Montessori Parent

As parents, we strive to provide the best possible foundation for our children’s early development.